The links have been collected by the sectetariat as part of its external monitoring. Smer does not take responsibility for the content.
Why some artificial intelligence is smart until it’s dumb
Source: Knowable Magazine
In Pandemic, More Are Paying for Direct Access to Their Doctors
Source: New York Times
In Pandemic, More Are Paying for Direct Access to Their Doctors
Source: New York Times
Bioethics in a Pandemic: Vaccine Distribution
Source: National Law Review
Menopausal woman gives birth following blood plasma injection
Source: BioNews
‘Marginal’ Livers Maybe Not So for Transplant Outcomes
Source: MedPage Today
The Coronavirus Is Never Going Away
Source: The Atlantic
We can’t skip steps on the road to a COVID-19 vaccine
Source: The Verge
Against Personal Ventilator Reallocation
Source: The Hastings Center
Ethical Dilemmas in Covid-19 Medical Care: Is a Problematic Triage Protocol Better or Worse than No Protocol at All?
Source: The American Journal of Bioethics
Coronavirus: new social rules are leading to new types of stigma
Source: The Conversation