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A three-parent technique could help trans men have babies
Source: MIT Technology Review
Hospital and Drugmaker Move to Build Vast Database of New Yorkers’ DNA
Source: New York Times
First synthetic embryos: the scientific breakthrough raises serious ethical questions
Source: The Conversation
Self-Taught AI Shows Similarities to How the Brain Works
Source: Quanta Magazine
Placenta and organ formation observed in mouse embryo models
Source: BioNews
Back from the dead? Pig organs revived after cell life stopped, raising hopes for transplant breakthroughs
Source: Genetic Literacy Project
This startup wants to copy you into an embryo for organ harvesting
Source: MIT Technology review
Researchers Restore Cell and Organ Function in Pigs After Death
Source: Discover Magazine
Inching closer to an essential global pandemic treaty
Source: STAT News
Clinical Trial Registry Errors Undermine Transparency
Source: The Scientist
South Korea develops nanotech tattoo as health monitoring device
Source: Reuters
Meta sued for violating patient privacy with data tracking tool
Source: The Verge
CRISPR genome editing treatments may raise cancer risk
Source: BioNews