The links have been collected by the sectetariat as part of its external monitoring. Smer does not take responsibility for the content.
Child abuse reports by medical staff linked to children’s race, Stanford Medicine study finds
Source: Stanford medicine news center
Americans are ready to test embryos for future college chances, survey shows
Source: Technology Review
AI Meets Embryos: The Future of IVF
Source: WebMD
The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis Has a Troubling Twist
Source: Wired News
What ChatGPT and generative AI mean for science
Source: Nature
In AI arms race, ethics may be the first casualty
Source: Axios
Psychedelics Open Your Brain. You Might Not Like What Falls In.
Source: The Atlantic
The Cause of Depression Is Probably Not What You Think
Source: Quanta magazine
Big Tech was moving cautiously on AI. Then came ChatGPT.
Source: Washington Post
The human genome needs updating. But how do we make it fair?
Source: The Guardian
Large DNA sequences more accurately inserted into cells
Source: BioNews
Promising gene therapy delivers treatment directly to brain
Source: AP News
The Problematic Arrival of Anti-Obesity Drugs
Source: Wired