The links have been collected by the sectetariat as part of its external monitoring. Smer does not take responsibility for the content.
It’s Time to Burn Medical Consent Forms
Source: Wired
Startup gets green light to use Apple Watch to track Parkinson’s symptom
Source: STAT News
Metaverse: Where Are the Medical Ethics?
Source: Medscape
From small beginnings: to build an anti-eugenic future
Source: The Lancet
It’s Too Late to Protect Your Genetic Privacy. The Math Explaining Why.
Source: Wall Street Journal
Early warning system forecasts who needs critical care for COVID-19
Source: Medical Xpress
These Nanobots Can Swim Around a Wound and Kill Bacteria
Source: Wired
Full-genome screening for newborn babies is now on the cards
Source: The Economist
‘Where you live should not determine whether you live’. Global justice and the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines
Source: Taylor & Francis Online
Are Canadians being driven to assisted suicide by poverty or healthcare crisis?
Source: The Guardian
Stop fixing with genes to look good
Source: Tek Deeps
Australia Moves Ahead Cautiously With ‘3-Parent IVF’
Source: Wired