The links have been collected by the sectetariat as part of its external monitoring. Smer does not take responsibility for the content.
Face masks: what the data say
Source: Nature
France plans punishment for ‘virginity tests’
Source: BBC
In Isolating Times, Can Robo-Pets Provide Comfort?
Source: New York Times
How to Distribute a COVID-19 Vaccine Ethically
Source: Scientific American
When AI in healthcare goes wrong, who is responsible?
Source: Quartz
Gene technology causing ethical concerns
Source: MSN New Zealand
A coronavirus vaccine will save more lives if we share it widely
Source: Popular Science
COVID 19: Ethical dilemmas in human lives.
Source: NCBI
How COVID-19 can damage the brain
Source: Nature
AI standards launched to help tackle problem of overhyped studies
Source: The Guardian