The links have been collected by the sectetariat as part of its external monitoring. Smer does not take responsibility for the content.
Complete human genome sequenced after 20 years
Source: BioNews
Medical Journals Blind to Racism as Health Crisis, Critics Say
Source: New York Times
The hurdles to creating a universal coronavirus vaccine
Source: Axios
Limit on lab-grown human embryos dropped by stem-cell body
Source: Nature
The Promise and Perils of the New Fertility Entrepreneurs
Source: The New Yorker
How COVID is changing the study of human behaviour
Source: Nature
Machine learning technique detects epigenetic drivers of cancers
Source: BioNews
Gene therapy treats rare immunodeficiency in children
Source: BioNews
Retron genome editing approach is faster and easier than CRISPR
Source: BioNews
Why waiving vaccine patents might be a bad idea
Source: Axios