
New publication: In brief – Embryo models

Stem cell-based models of human embryos can help understand early development and contribute to the development of new treatments for infertility and foetal damage. At the same time, embryo models spark boundary issues and challenge current regulations.

New publication: In brief – Heath Data

Digital development has resulted in new opportunities for the collection, sharing and processing of health data. The potential benefits are huge, but the development also demands weighing up the ethical issues involved.

Current topics

At present we work on a report on somatic and heritable genediting. This year we have focus on several topics under the umbrella "Genetic integrity 2.0" and the council follow up ethical questions raised by the ungoing pandemic.

Webinar: Ethical choices in a pandemic – a Swedish perspective

Webinar on Ethical choices in a pandemic – a Swedish perspective on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (CET) arranged by the Nordic Committee on Bioethics ( NCBio) in cooperation with the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics (Smer)

Webinar on global ethics in a time of pandemic

The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics and the Center for Applied Ethics, Linköping University, are hosting a webbinar on global ethics and justice in a pandemic.

Ethical challenges associated with AI must be dealt with

The ethical challenges associated with AI in healthcare must be taken seriously, if we are to fully exploit the opportunities that the technology opens up. This is a conclusion in a new report from the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics.

New report: Ethical choices in a pandemic

The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics (Smer) provides an overview of the core ethical values, problems and challenges that are actualised in a pandemic, based on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

New chair and members appointed

Lena Hallengren, Minister for Health and Social Affairs has appointed Kenneth Johansson as new chair for The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics.