The links have been collected by the sectetariat as part of its external monitoring. Smer does not take responsibility for the content.
How scientists want to make you young again
Source: MIT Technology Review
AI in Medicine Is Overhyped
Source: Scientific American
Some People Who Appear to Be in a Coma May Actually Be Conscious
Source: Scientific American
What Covid Has Taught the World about Ethics
Source: New England Journal of Medicine
Race gap seen in US infant deaths after fertility treatment
Source: AP News
Technology that lets us “speak” to our dead relatives has arrived. Are we ready?
Source: MIT Technology Review
Reevaluating the Ethical Issues in Porcine-to-Human Heart Xenotransplantation
Source: The Hastings Center
Neurons in a dish learn to play Pong — what’s next?
Source: Nature
Scientists grow human brain cells in rats to study diseases
Source: Redaktör
Everyone walks differently — so this exoskeleton adjusts on the fly
Source: The Verge
Mitochondrial DNA can transfer into nuclear genome
Source: BioNews
Clicking ‘Accept’ Is Not Informed Consent
Source: The Hastings Center
YouTube wants personal health stories to help combat misinformation
Source: The Verge
50 years of ethics: Scientists navigate an increasingly challenging field
Source: Stanford Medicine News Center
A roadmap for human trials of xenotransplantation.
Source: MedlinePlus