
The Council releases new report on assisted reproduction

On 28 February, the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics presented a new report on assisted reproduction. The report is a result of the Council´s work, on various matters related to reproduction technologies, that started in 2010.

In the report the Council examines ethical questions that are raised by new and old technologies within the field of assisted reproduction. Topics that are explored are, among others, surrogate motherhood, embryo donation, social egg freezing and age limits for fertility treatments. The ethical analyses are supplemented by the Council´s recommendations on several matters. One of the main conclusions is that it is time to allow new treatment possibilities in Sweden.

The Council´s recommendations gained substantial public attention in Sweden when presented. A summary of the report is available in English.

The report (in Swedish): Assisterad befruktning – etiska aspekter 2013:1

Summary in English:  Assisted reproduction summary